Real Talk: What Can AI Really Do for GTM Teams?

Rebekah Carter
Technology Journalist

Love it or hate it, AI is everywhere these days. We’ve come a long way from the age of basic bots, operating on basic algorithms. Today’s AI tools can do everything from generating creative content at the click of a button, to transforming raw data into actionable insights.

Studies show implementing AI into your daily processes can drive amazing results. In fact, McKinsey found early adopters of artificial intelligence see an average sales uplift of 10% to 20%. Unfortunately, while many companies see the potential power of AI, many business leaders don’t really know how to get the best return on their AI investment.

Adopting AI isn’t just a way to “keep up with the Jones’s” in today’s business world. If you want to see real results, you need to understand what this technology can actually do for businesses, employees, and even your customers.

So, what benefits can AI really deliver for your GTM teams?

AI Solutions for GTM Teams

AI will never replace the key members of your GTM teams. Your account managers, sales experts, and customer success professionals all have unique skills and abilities that are crucial to the continued growth of your company.

However, AI does have the potential to empower and support GTM employees in a variety of ways. Let’s look at just some of the biggest opportunities.

AI Opportunities for Marketing Teams

Marketing teams play an essential role in the growth of any business. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to cultivate leads and drive them towards your sales team. Already, companies have begun experimenting with AI tools to help empower and optimize marketing experts.

Around 76% of marketers using AI say they leverage the latest generative AI tools (like ChatGPT) to create marketing content at scale. However, the real power of this technology doesn’t lie in its ability to simply churn out large amounts of content for blogs, social media ads and emails.

For demand generation teams, and account based marketing experts the true value comes from the ability tools have to personalize interactions. Around 71% of today’s customers say they expect companies to personalize their experience, and 76% get frustrated when that doesn’t happen.

AI tools, infused with data from your CRM system, customer relationship management tools, and even information from your buyer personas can help marketing teams craft more relevant messages. They can offer suggestions on how to segment audiences, provide insights into customer preferences based on historical and real-time data, and even help you A/B test the quality of your campaigns.

The Benefits of AI for Sales Teams

Right now, around 26% of companies say they’re using AI for sales purposes. There’s a goodchance the tools your sales teams use everyday already have artificial intelligence capabilities. After all, AI is what powers automated lead scoring tools, customer journey mapping platforms, and even the forecasting and scheduling tools you use to manage your team.

However, there are other ways companies can implement AI into their sales strategy, to elevate their results. For instance, by looking at previous sales information, AI can match accounts to your ideal customer profiles, showing BDRs and agents where they should be focusing their time.

AI can also help companies manage one of the most complicated parts of the sales process – following up and building rapport with customers. With generative AI tools, teams can automatically create personalized follow-up messages to send to account leaders and prospects.

You can even use AI tools to assess the potential results of different outreach strategies, evaluating the success of cold calling, cold email, and social selling strategies. AI can also help sales teams optimize their prospecting strategies, generating in-depth customer profiles, ideas on how to reach new prospects, and strategies for sales pitches.

Embedding AI into Customer Success

Retention has always been crucial to business continuity. But in today’s complicated economic environment, it’s more important than ever. With 23% of buyers set to reduce their spending, companies need to ensure they’re investing in increasing the lifetime value of existing clients.

So, how can AI elevate the results of customer success strategies? There are a few options. First, generative AI tools and their ability to create personalized content will give companies the resources they need to create more powerful onboarding and training content for customers.

AI tools can also leverage insights from your CRM and business data, to provide insights into which customers are most likely to churn based on previous trends. This helps you to identify the customers you need to focus on most when prioritizing retention.

Perhaps the biggest benefit of AI for customer success teams, is the ability to automate various crucial processes. Account managers can use AI tools to automatically send information to consumers throughout the purchasing cycle, keeping them educated and informed.

Contact center leaders can leverage AI to automate the customer service process, using intuitive chatbots and virtual assistants. These tools provide access to a convenient self-service environment, where users can find solutions to common problems, without relying on human support.

This even helps to boost the productivity of your contact center team, ensuring they can focus their time on the most valuable customer queries.

The Potential of AI in RevOps

Finally, artificial intelligence in all of its forms can deliver a number of benefits to RevOps processes. Companies can use AI software to analyze huge amounts of data quickly and accurately, paving the way for improved decision making.

These tools can track patterns in data sets that might be missed during manual analysis. Some solutions can even use previous data to make predictions about future customer needs and sales opportunities. AI solutions can help companies define areas where automation will help to streamline workflows and boost business efficiency.

They can also make it easier to train your teams, offering access to insights into the challenges your employees face on a daily basis utlising established processes. Once you’ve determined where your employees need the most support, generative AI tools can be used to create bespoke training materials for teams.

You can even use bots like ChatGPT to provide employees witha way to practice their sales pitches and customer conversations on a consistent basis.

AI can even streamline CRM maintenance. After all, maintaining accurate data in your CRM is essential to ensuring excellent business results. However, it can be challenging to manage these tools manually. AI tools can automate manual data entry tasks, examine data consistency, and even provide suggestions on how to update your CRM strategy.

Is it Really Time to Embrace AI?

As generative AI and bots like ChatGPT continue to capture the attention of the masses, it’s easy to look at artificial intelligence as just another hype bubble ready to burst. However, the reality is that AI tools can generate incredible outcomes for businesses.

Implemented into the processes of your GTM teams, AI can improve efficiency and productivity, reduce mistakes and repetitive work, and even improve your chances of building powerful and lucrative relationships with customers.

The key to success is knowing how to implement this new technology correctly. AI isn’t there to take over the roles of your GTM experts, but to augment and empower them throughout their day-to-day duties. To unlock the true power of AI, companies need to know how to combine the latest innovations with the unique skills and abilities of their teams.

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