How to Use HubSpot for Personalised Marketing & Sales in 2024

Marcel Deer
Marketing Journalist

Hubspot’s 2024 Sales Trends Report highlights a major shift in human relationships, driven by AI, that will impact any company’s approach to marketing and sales in 2024. 

Customer behaviours and expectations are changing, and the key to effective sales campaigns and revenue growth is personalisation. 

We’ll draw on this latest Hubspot report and the platform’s insights into personalisation to highlight approaches to this tailored customer experience. These approaches can all be implemented using Hubspot’s powerful CRM.  

Why Personalisation is Vital for 2024

Hubspot’s survey of sales professionals discovered that: 

-71% of consumers prefer to gather their own information on a brand or product; AI compounds this statistic. 

-If buyers use AI to research, salespeople must be more personal to build rapport and be able to answer buyer-specific needs and opportunities. 

-This equates to sales teams needing to be better informed about customers and products.

-66% say AI can help provide a more personalised experience. 

-AI provides deeper customer insights and frees salespeople to spend more time building customer and product knowledge before speaking to customers. 

-86% find AI makes it easier to upsell, 41% use AI to recognise buyer sentiment

-79% say sales enablement content is important to make a sale 

-61% believe alignment between sales and marketing teams is more important than ever

Effective sales and marketing in 2024 will rely on a quality rather than quantity approach. AI-powered tools can answer basic questions and provide product information, but they are not ready to sell to a customer and convert them.

Customers now expect far more than a quick, impersonal call with a few details and perhaps a discount offer. They can find this basic information online, as well as detailed product information, customer reviews, and an abundance of competitor information. 

What customers need is convincing. They need a rapport with a salesperson and a level of trust before that salesperson effectively matches product features and benefits with their personal needs and expectations. 

A personalised sales approach takes time and effort from sales and marketing teams, but their performance can be augmented by using the powerful tools of a CRM to the utmost and by using AI to free time from basic repetitive administration tasks. 

Salespeople don’t need to despair in 2024. AI-augmented marketing systems will provide stronger leads than ever before. The time and effort for a personalised approach, combined with warm convertible leads, will deliver sales success and drive revenue growth. 

6  Ways to Personalise Marketing and Sales with Hubspot

1. Ensure Hubspot connects customer data and interactions

In order to provide a personalised approach, sales and marketing teams first need the personal data of a customer. This data goes beyond a name and location. A CRM can display every previous interaction, purchase, customer service history, and a lot more besides. To provide these insights, Hubspot must be properly set up and integrated with any other customer-facing platforms. 

2. Personalise outbound marketing assets

Customers won’t respond to blanket emails with a range of products or services, half of which aren’t relevant to them. Outbound marketing assets must be specific to a customer demographic or interest, and this can be achieved through campaign segmentation. Then, these emails must be personalised to the customer. 

3. Prioritise personal sales channels 

If the personal approach works, then the most personal channels are the route to convert customers. Sales are shifting away from blanket emails, texts, and social media back to in-person sales calls, sales meetings, and individually written emails. 

These channels must be prioritised, and sales and marketing teams focus on these actions. To achieve this, leaders may need to assess daily schedules, allow the automation of basic tasks, and adjust KPIs. Hubspot has a myriad of useful tools for in-person sales channels, including call tracking and an AI content writer. 

4. Use Hubspot as a repository for sales enablement content

Hubspot is clear about the benefits and has a detailed guide for sales enablement. These resources, for the quality information and interaction that customers expect today, include content, tools, knowledge, and product information. 

Hubspot can be used as a corporate-wide repository for content, which could be from product, marketing, sales, or leadership teams. Effectively collated, any item can be accessed within a few clicks to enable sales teams to prepare and use it while on a call or in a meeting. 

5. Automate tasks to free time for pre-contact research and quality calls

Hubspot can be used to automate workflows and tasks. The less time sales and marketing teams spend on admin, note taking, or searching for information, the more time they can spend actually selling. 

Hubspot has tools to automate processes as well as its content writer. The CRM has also incorporated AI assistants and AI-powered customer chatbots that can deal with basic inquiries, as well as features for predictive sales forecasts, email and message authoring, and conversation summary generation.

6. SMARKETING: Leverage Hubspot to align sales and marketing teams 

The Hubspot Sales Trends report found that 61% of sales professionals believe in the importance of aligning sales and marketing teams within a CRM, but only 30% reported that their sales and marketing teams are actually strongly aligned. This points to many companies having some work to be done to remove siloed across departments. 

Sales professionals at companies with aligned sales and marketing teams, per the report, are 107% more likely to beat their sales goals. Sales and marketing teams can be aligned through Hubspot’s pipeline, project, and content tools, and sales enablement shares vital cross-function resources such as brochures and product sheets and provides transparency of departmental and individual customer campaigns. 

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