How B2B brands can use video to power their GTM Strategy

Rebekah Carter
Technology Journalist

Video has proven itself to be a powerful tool in any go-to-market strategy. From video demonstrations in the sales process to video marketing campaigns on social media channels, there are various ways brands can use immersive video content to increase conversions, brand awareness, and loyalty.

In the B2B world, where the purchasing journey is often more complex and multi-faceted, video can be particularly valuable. The right content can help to educate prospects and demonstrate the benefits of your products and services, and increase sales. In fact, 95% of B2B buyers say video plays a crucial role in their decision-making journey. 

Companies can even use videos to earn customer trust, highlight thought leadership, and increase their chances of buyer retention. 

The role of video in the B2B world

In the B2B landscape, video is no longer just an effective tool for customer service training and product presentations. It’s quickly becoming a reliable resource for engaging, educating, and nurturing customers through the full customer journey. 

As video marketing tools become increasingly accessible, affordable, and intuitive with the rise of online editors and AI tools, every B2B business can benefit from leveraging more video content in their go-to-market strategies. Let’s look at just five of the main ways video can transform your marketing, sales, and even customer service efforts. 

1. Improving Demand and Lead Generation

Promotional videos posted on your website can improve your chances of appearing at the top of the search engine result pages for specific keywords, particularly as Google continues to prioritise visual content. 

Optimising your video content with meta descriptions and alt tags that contain specific keywords can further enhance your ranking potential. Additionally, since Google owns YouTube, developing a YouTube strategy can also help you stand out in the search results. 

Video also increases the chances of customers spending longer on your website pages. Studies show that 81% of companies believe videos on their websites and landing pages increase engagement times and reduce bounce rates. The more time prospects spend engaging with your content and site, the more likely they are to become valuable leads. 

Videos can also enhance your lead and demand-generation strategies on social media. Video ads on channels like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter can capture more attention than standard text-based ads. Plus, one study found that 93% of businesses have landed new customers specifically as a result of sharing videos on social media. 

2. Educating Customers and Increasing Brand Awareness

According to a study looking at the benefits of B2B video marketing, 70% of respondents said video was more effective than any other marketing content at helping them to recognise the problems their company was facing and understand the benefits of a solution. 

In both the sales and marketing landscape, video can be an excellent way to share in-depth insights into the advantages of your products or services with your audience. You can use videos to demonstrate the features of your products or share behind-the-scenes insights into certain functionalities. Some B2B companies even create entire webinars and online events with the express purpose of increasing brand awareness and educating consumers.

Around 54% of B2B professionals say they watch webinars on a weekly basis, and many find these resources to be extremely valuable when making purchasing decisions. You could even go a step further and create a full educational series of webinars and online courses. 

3. Increasing thought leadership and brand reputation

Webinars and video-based online events aren’t just an excellent way to educate and entertain your audience. They can also be fantastic for showcasing thought leadership. Even if you don’t have the budget to host an in-person event in 2024, you can create digital events on platforms like LinkedIn, sharing your latest accomplishments, or insights into recent trends. 

Videos can also enhance your company’s reputation in other ways. For instance, sharing product review videos, or video-based case studies with previous customers is an excellent way to earn consumer trust. Around 50% of customers believe people “like them” are the most valuable and credible source of information.

Sharing user-generated content in video form can help you highlight the benefits of your product or service in a way that feels more authentic. You could even consider asking influencers to review your product or compare it to a competing solution. This is a great way to give your reach a boost on social media and increase your credibility. 

4. Optimising Conversion Rates

Studies show that simply including a video on a landing page can improve your conversion rates by over 86%. For B2B customers, videos can be an excellent way to access all of the information they might need to make an intelligent purchasing decision and gain buy-in from key stakeholders.

Videos can even make your prospects more receptive to your sales teams. For instance, one report found that 95% of buyers were more likely to speak to a sales professional after viewing video content. Using a video during a sales pitch or product demonstration can be an excellent way to engage and excite your target audience, increasing your chances of conversions.

Plus, because videos are inherently shareable, they’re excellent for delivering valuable content to a number of different stakeholders at once. You can even create personalised demo videos for your consumers, based on the pain points and goals your sales team identify in the prospecting stage. 

Videos can be an excellent way to overcome potential buyer objections and strengthen your chances of converting leads into loyal customers. 

5. Boosting Customer Retention and Advocacy Campaigns

Finally, implementing video into your go-to-market strategy can also improve your chances of developing stronger, longer-lasting relationships with your B2B buyers. Around 81% of buyers say they believe videos are more effective than written content when learning how to use a service or solution. Additionally, 76% said videos were better for troubleshooting product issues.

Videos can help companies create powerful onboarding tools for new customers, which increase customer success and satisfaction rates. These tools can even form part of your customer service strategy, giving buyers self-help resources they can turn to when service reps aren’t available.

Additionally, videos can improve your chances of transforming your loyal customers into brand advocates. In the study above, 43% of respondents said they were happy to share videos with other consumers or colleagues they thought would benefit from the content. 

The Power of Video in your B2B Strategy

Video might not be a new concept in the go-to-market landscape, but it’s becoming an increasingly valuable, and crucial tool for many B2B brands. The right video content can be extremely useful for educating, converting, and engaging your consumers. Plus, it can help you to increase brand awareness, expand your reach, and retain more loyal buyers. 

If you’re looking for a way to boost the impact of your go-to-market strategy in 2024, and you haven’t invested in the power of video yet, now could be the perfect time to get started. Or else, you could risk falling behind the competition. 

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