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Automation in RevOps as a GTM Strategy

Marcel Deer
Marketing Journalist

Revenue Operations (RevOps) is today a pivotal model for streamlining operations, achieving a go-to-market (GTM) strategy, and optimising revenue growth. Process automation should lie at the core of RevOps to drive the organisational efficiency that is key to success. 

How Does RevOps Drive Growth

A RevOps approach aligns sales, marketing, and customer operations with a unified focus on delivering growth through efficiency. RevOps is a tool that's gaining momentum in organisations of any size for its holistic customer and growth methodologies that remove silos and build effective processes. 

Streamlined operations

RevOps optimise the revenue cycle, from lead generation to conversion and customer retention. It removes siloes between departments, inefficiencies, and unnecessary steps. Streamlining operations with RevOps involves automating and optimising processes such as marketing functions, lead, and prospect management. 

Improved customer experience

RevOps extends from sales to order fulfilment, customer service, and customer satisfaction and retention strategies. Embracing automation and AI technologies in RevOps produces powerful data-driven insights that can be used to conquer new markets and achieve the personalisation and tailoring customers expect. 

Optimising GTM and revenue

Aligned teams work toward revenue goals, collaborate on KPIs, and share data. Not just teams but marketing strategies, pricing, and promotions are optimised and combined with a robust personalised customer experience, maximising revenue growth opportunities. 

What are the Benefits of Automation for RevOps Efficiency?

Better data and insights 

A data-driven approach, enabled by automation to collate, clean, and integrate data from multiple touch points, allows teams to truly understand customers, identify the right audiences, and achieve effective pipeline segmentation.

Integrated tools and unified processes 

Sales, marketing, customer, and product teams must be unified for RevOps. To achieve this in a digital age, their tools must also integrate closely, streamlining revenue processes and data flows between functions. Marketing automation, project management, and CRM tools, especially AI-powered, help synchronise processes and enable communication and collaboration, improving internal operations.

Removing humans from the mundane

Automation and AI remove repetitive, boring tasks like data entry and scheduling. They reduce human error and ensure customer and sales records are kept current. But, most importantly, removing the mundane motivates team members to do the expert and creative parts of their roles. 

Stronger sales teams and increased customer satisfaction 

Insights, customer knowledge, and smooth, efficient automated workflows make sales teams stronger. The holistic viewpoint of RevOps combined with the streamlining of processes and the removal of silos remove bottlenecks from the sales process. It can aid in the design of new metrics and KPIs that account for the new efficiencies and time savings created by AI and automation. 

Unified, integrated, and automated business process tools allow every department to be present throughout your customer's journey, from marketing and sales to support and retention. Customers expect personalisation. They want to know you know their pain points and their history and will only buy or stay when they benefit from this experience.

The Four GTM Functions to Automate


Automation allows sales teams more time to sell. They can also do so in a personalised way, spending more time building rapport and empathising with known customer pain points to match features and benefits. Sales teams benefit from qualified leads and prospect segmentation, allowing them to focus on customers most likely to convert and generate revenue. 

Customer service

CRMs and even marketing tools can augment customer service by keeping in touch, automatically sending reminders, and new product and service updates. This constant contact initiates support and opens the opportunity to resolve customer issues, improving retention. 

Customer service teams benefit from the same customer touchpoint and sales journey data to glean insights as to customer problems and resolutions. Using AI, such as chatbots, to answer (and automate) basic queries leaves customer service teams more time to care for individual customer needs and to problem-solve. 


A holistic view, unification, alignment, and automation mean that one limb of an organisation thoroughly understands what the other is doing. Marketing teams can deliver scheduled campaigns optimised for engagement as well as lead generation for sales teams. Efficiencies allow marketing teams to really lay the ground for sales teams and spend more time tweaking campaigns using powerful insights. 

Account management 

The same is true for effective account management and account-based marketing strategies (ABM) from dedicated teams or team members. And, RevOps and automation tools have comprehensive real-time dashboards of data. They provide both efficiencies and productivity and the customer and performance insights that leaders require for problem-solving, fast decision-making, and campaign, product, or market iteration. 

How to Choose Automation Tools

Any organisation is likely to use tens, if not hundreds, of tools and apps to enable processes and workflows. Pulling these tools together to create seamless data flows requires a robust transformation strategy. The result may be a single system or several systems that form the hub of processes and data and integrate cleanly with specialised tools where appropriate. 

Systems at the heart of automation can be RevOps-aligned CRMs, customer success software, and marketing automation programs. To connect disparate systems and their data flows, an integration platform as a service (iPaaS) may be necessary. 

Features and Functionality

Assess automation tool functions based on how they serve teams and organisational goals. Systems should deliver or visualise insights or real-time metrics instantly or closely. Features should serve both internal needs and customers and align with the RevOps and GTM strategies you have adopted

Integration and Future Use 

Choose systems encompassing sales, marketing, and customer management processes or seamlessly integrating with existing tools. Consider systems that will grow and integrate with your future needs and be compatible with changing technologies. Look for suppliers known to innovate quickly with new technologies, regularly releasing updates and new features. 

Consult with the experts

It’s no easy task to adopt or continue new methodologies, like systems thinking, RevOps, and GTM strategies as well as considering new technologies like automation and AI. Both tools and methodologies have significant benefits for efficiency, productivity, and future growth, but these advantages can only be achieved with an effective RevOps-inspired digital transformation. 

If you’re not ready for a complete system overhaul, try a tech stack spring clean. 

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