AI vs ML: What’s the Difference? (and Why You Should Be Thinking About Both)

Charles Proctor
Martech Architect

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) are hot topics right now. It seems like everyone is talking about the latest intelligent algorithm or chatbot (like ChatGPT). Yet, even as the market continues to grow at an exceptional rate, there’s still a lot ofconfusion out there.

In fact, many companies and consumers are still using the terms “AI” and “ML” interchangeably, particularly when discussing topics like marketing, big data, and digital transformation. It’s understandable when you consider how closely AI and ML are related.

However, there are some major differences between the two concepts you need to understand if you’re investing in new ways to empower your go-to-market teams.

Let’s demystify the concept of AI and machine learning once and for all.

AI vs ML: What is Artificial Intelligence?

Let’s start with the basics: what is AI? AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is a broad concept referring to building and developing technologies that can process information similarly to a human being.

AI systems can “mimic” cognitive functions, like listening to speech, understanding text, and even analyzing information. The AI market, expected to reach a value of $2,575.16 billion by 2032 encompasses a range of technologies, from chatbots and virtual assistants, to generative AI tools like ChatGPT or Google Bard.

Although AI is often thought of as a comprehensive system, it’s actually a set of technologies implemented into a system that allows it to reason, and solve problems. Companies and developers use programming languages and “algorithms” to enable AI tools to do specific tasks.

The Benefits of AI for Go-To-Market Teams

So, why is AI so beneficial for your business? Simply put, AI systems can help with a huge range of marketing, sales, and customer service strategies. It’s an incredibly versatile tool, capable of processing data and completing tasks at a phenomenal speed.

For go-to-market teams, AI solutions offer opportunities to enhance:

·      Analytics: AI systems can evaluate everything from your target customer base and their preferences to your competitors. It can help you to discover purchasing trends and opportunities, create more effective pricing strategies, and even predict how certain customers will behave when presented with certain offers or products.

·      Content creation: Many aspects of the GTM roadmap rely on content creation, whether it’s creating email sequences, social media posts, blogs, educational content,or ads. Generative AI solutions are excellent at creating personalized, unique content in seconds, with just a handful of prompts. Some can even produce images and videos from scratch.

·      Customer journeys: AI can assist with virtually every aspect of the customer journey, from helping sales teams with prospecting and lead qualification, to segmenting your customers into different groups. You can even create chatbots and virtual assistants that deliver support to your customers on a 24/7 basis.

On top of all that, artificial intelligence in different forms can also provide a range of other benefits, from helping you to protect your brand reputation with intelligent social listening, to identifying customer behaviors and sentiment.

ML vs AI: What is Machine Learning?

So, what is machine learning? While artificial intelligence is a broad topic covering all forms of computer-based cognition, machine learning is a specific “subset” of AI. Essentially, it’s the branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on helping tools and devices become more effective over time.

Before machine learning, AI systems had to be constantly trained, updated, and optimized by human beings,who would feed algorithms huge amounts of data. While this process is still used today, machine learning allows solutions to improve themselves, automatically, over time. They analyze large amounts of data, draw insights,and make informed decisions.

There are various ways to approach machine learning, from reinforcement-based machine learning to deep machine learning and neural networks. The purpose of machine learning on a broad scale is to ensure AI solutions are constantly upgrading and improving.

The Benefits of ML for Go-To-Market Teams

Ultimately, machine learning makes your AI-driven GTM strategies more effective. It ensures your systems can become more advanced over time, learning from interactions with your teams, customers, and access to various forms of data.

Similar to AI, machine learning can help companies optimize their marketing, sales, and customer service strategies. It’s particularly effective for:

·      Planning and strategy: The ability of ML algorithms to analyze data and deliver insights and suggestions makes it excellent for sales, marketing, and customer service strategies. You can use algorithms to learn exactly what kind of processes improve customer retention, acquisition rates, and even average lifetime value.

·      Personalization: Because ML solutions can draw insights from a range of environments, including interactions with customers, and your CRM system, they’re great for delivering personalized experiences. They can help you create sales pitches, marketing strategies, and service campaigns for specific segments or groups.

·      Discovery and development: If you’re looking for opportunities to grow, machine learning solutions can use historical and real-time data to give you valuable insights. You can use these tools to determine which new products and services you want to develop, based on potential profitability. Plus, you can discover new trends instantly.

As mentioned above, machine learning algorithms can also add to the value of your existing AI solutions. For instance, generative AI solutions that can learn and process data can deliver more advanced content tailored to your specific audience and brand voice.

The Difference Between AI and Machine Learning

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence aren’t entirely disparate concepts. Machine learning is essentially just a smaller segment of the artificial intelligence umbrella. It focuses on enhancing the abilities of AI algorithms, and helping them learn over time.

The main difference is that while AI encompasses the idea that a machine can mimic human intelligence, ML focuses on teaching machines how to become smarter and simulate actions over time. Additionally, while artificial intelligence can exist without machine learning, ML doesn’t exist without artificial intelligence. You can’t have ML without AI.

Artificial intelligence:

·      Allows machines to simulate human intelligence for problem-solving

·      Develops intelligent systems capable of performing complex tasks

·      Supports a wide scope of applications and use cases

·      Works with all forms of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data

·      Uses logic and decision trees to reason and self-correct

Machine learning:

·      Allows machines to learn autonomously from data

·      Improves the accuracy and results of AI solutions

·      Has a limited scope of applications

·      Uses self-learning algorithms to produce predict models

·      Primarily focuses on structured and semi-structured data

Why You Need both AI and ML

While AI and ML are different technologies, they’re both valuable to your team. Used together, artificial intelligence and machine learning have the power to transform your entire go-to-market strategy. They can help you analyze your market more effectively, develop strategies and products that increase sales and opportunities, and even strengthen customer loyalty.

Used simultaneously, AI and machine learning can help your employees to create more compelling content, deliver unforgettable customer service, and even increase sales and revenue. As the areas of AI and machine learning continue to evolve, with the introduction of more sophisticated algorithms and tools, virtually every business can benefit from investing in both of these tools.

If you’re not using AI and ML yet, now could be the time to think about updating your strategy.



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